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by Tom Winter

汤姆·温特(Tom Winter)

通过分析112,654个编码测试,我们了解了2019年开发人员的招聘趋势 (What we learned about 2019 developer hiring trends from analyzing 112,654 coding tests)

Information is key when recruiting developers — whether you are the recruiter or the developer.


If you know the trends in the industry, what skills are being sought after, and the places developers are being recruited from, it becomes much easier to match the right developer with the right company.


We have been on a mission to improve the level of knowledge in tech recruitment. Developer hiring data is a key part of that, but we ran into a problem.

我们一直致力于提高技术招聘的知识水平。 开发人员聘用数据是其中的关键部分,但是我们遇到了一个问题。

There’s a lot of information out there about developer hiring trends. But how much of it is actually useful?

有很多关于开发人员招聘趋势的信息。 但是实际上有多少有用呢?

Surveys, after all, require self-reporting. But the importance of hiring that developer or landing that job demands a data source that is more concrete. We certainly thought so, which lead us to look at the data which we already had.

毕竟,调查需要自我报告。 但是雇用该开发人员或从事该工作的重要性需要更具体的数据源。 我们当然是这么认为的,这使我们着眼于已经拥有的数据。

At Devskiller, we have been sitting on a growing pile of coding tests (112,654 for last year alone). That is special for a big reason. Actions speak louder than words. Our coding test data reflects the skills companies are actively recruiting for, and the locations they are doing it in.

在Devskiller,我们一直在进行越来越多的编码测试(仅去年一年就达到了112654)。 这是很特殊的,有很大的原因。 行动胜于雄辩。 我们的编码测试数据反映了公司正在积极招聘的技能以及他们在其中工作的地点。

These are not the impressions of technological diviners — they are the stated intention of technical recruiters from all over the world.


Armed with this dataset, we went digging and discovered some tremendous insights.


来自新西兰的开发人员在编码测试中得分最高(54.66%) (Developers from New Zealand score the highest (54.66%) on coding tests)

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about developers, there’s a healthy sense of competition between them.


They’re always looking for ways to compare their skills to their peers. These competitions can take on an international character and reflect something about the way developers see their levels of educational attainment and technical proficiency.

他们一直在寻找将自己的技能与同龄人进行比较的方法。 这些竞赛可以具有国际性,可以反映出开发人员如何看待他们的教育程度和技术水平。

We’ve tested candidates from over 120 countries, so wanted to see how developers from different countries stack up against each other.


As it turns out, New Zealand came in top place with an average score of 54.66%, closely followed by the Netherlands.


So why is this?


Is it down to educational style, or do developers from certain countries simply get easier tests than developers in other countries? New Zealand has done a lot to attract the best foreign talent, so these new arrivals could affect the national score.

是要归结为教育风格,还是某些国家的开发人员比其他国家的开发人员更容易获得测试? 新西兰在吸引最优秀的外国人才方面做了很多工作,因此这些新来者可能会影响国家得分。

The question becomes then, are the developers in the countries that score the highest on coding tests also the ones being sought after internationally?


美国是最大的海外开发商招聘国,但也代表了第二大海外候选人库 (The US is the largest recruiter of overseas developers, but also represents the second largest pool of overseas candidates)

Over 30% of the overseas candidates in the study were tested by US companies. This is despite the fact that only 40% of the developers tested by US companies were from overseas.

这项研究中超过30%的海外候选人通过了美国公司的测试。 尽管事实是,美国公司测试的开发人员中只有40%来自海外。

Volumes like this should probably come as no surprise given the size of the tech sector in the country. The US also has famously for tech talent that can attract the top talent from all over the world.

鉴于该国科技行业的规模,此类销量可能不足为奇。 美国的技术人才也 ,可以吸引来自世界各地的顶尖人才。

Probably more extreme is when you look at the countries that produce the most candidates. India comes in first, with over a quarter of all the candidates tested on the platform.

当您查看产生最多候选人的国家时,可能更极端了。 印度排名第一,超过四分之一的候选人都在该平台上进行了测试。

Interestingly, the US comes in second place. This puts the USA in a fascinating position as being both one of the largest recruiter countries and candidate countries.

有趣的是,美国排名第二。 这使美国既是最大的征兵国又是候选国,处于引人入胜的位置。

What the US position shows is that there is a strong trend towards internationalizing the developer candidate labor pool. Perhaps this leads to greater efficiency, as companies are able to attract developers with the right skills no matter where they happen to be from.

美国的立场表明,国际化开发商候选劳动力池的趋势很强。 也许这会导致更高的效率,因为无论公司来自何处,公司都能吸引具有适当技能的开发人员。

At the same time, US developers are equally happy to work for overseas companies where their skills are in demand.


To find out what those skills are, we had a look at the technologies that companies are seeking all around the world.


70%的公司正在寻找JavaScript开发人员 (70% of companies are looking for JavaScript developers)

There tends to be a about what the next big technology is going to be. With all the chatter about whether Kotlin is on the rise, or if Golang is going to dominate, it is easy to forget that these technologies are still less well-established.

关于下一代大型技术的发展趋势往往有 。 围绕着Kotlin是否正在崛起,或者Golang是否将成为主流的所有话题,人们很容易忘记这些技术还不那么成熟。

In most enterprises, established technologies like JavaScript are still very much in demand. In fact, we found that 70% of companies are looking for JavaScript developers.

在大多数企业中,仍然非常需要像JavaScript这样的成熟技术。 实际上,我们发现70%的公司正在寻找JavaScript开发人员。

Compare that with Java, the language which was tested the most overall in the study.


The data shows that JavaScript is useful both for smaller operations and large enterprises. Java, on the other hand, is more useful for large teams at a smaller number of companies.

数据表明,JavaScript对于小型企业和大型企业都是有用的。 另一方面,Java对于数量较少的大型团队更有用。

Where you tend to see variation is not between tech stacks, but within them.


So while 70% of companies are looking for JavaScript developers, the particular framework or library, such as React, Vue, Angular, or Node.js is where the innovation is happening. In fact, it is these in-stack skills where developers are being tested.

因此,尽管有70%的公司正在寻找JavaScript开发人员,但正在进行创新的是特定的框架或库,例如React,Vue,Angular或Node.js。 实际上,正是这些堆栈式技能正在对开发人员进行测试。

期望在技术堆栈中的知识上进行测试,而不是对语言本身进行测试 (Expect to be tested on knowledge within a tech stack rather than a language on its own)

JavaScript is not the only tech stack where candidates are being tested on their knowledge of specific technologies and resources.


Instead, tests for all languages are getting much more granular with stack specific knowledge. If you are a Java developer, expect to be tested in Spring or Android, for instance.

取而代之的是,使用特定于堆栈的知识,对所有语言的测试都变得更加精细。 如果您是Java开发人员,则希望例如在Spring或Android中进行测试。

JavaScript developers themselves could be tested in any number of frameworks including React, Angular, jQuery, Node.js, or Ember.


Database developers might be expected to know MySQL, PostgreSQL or HSQLDB.


PHP developers may need to know Laravel or Symphony.


And Python developers (depending on the requirements of the position) might just as easily be tested in Django as in Pandas or Numpy.


The point is that it’s not enough to have broad language knowledge. There’s a value in being familiar with a particular tech stack and that’s increasingly what companies are looking for.

关键是仅仅拥有广泛的语言知识还不够。 熟悉特定的技术栈有其价值,而这正是公司所寻找的。

From this, we conclude that you should become familiar with relevant libraries and frameworks in addition to your general language skills.


后端技能和数据库技能经常一起测试 (Backend skills and database skills are often tested together)

Of course, knowing a single tech stack might be okay for some positions. But increasingly, complementary tech stacks are being tested together. So the question becomes, what kinds of tech stacks are complimentary?

当然,知道某些职位的技术堆栈可能还可以。 但是越来越多的互补技术栈正在一起测试。 因此,问题就变成了,哪些技术堆栈是互补的?

Overwhelmingly, we found that back end technologies are tested with SQL.


Of the top eight technologies tested together, over 26% of them were combinations of Java and SQL. Beyond that, .NET and SQL were tested in over 9%.

在一起测试的前八项技术中,超过26%是Java和SQL的组合。 除此之外,.NET和SQL的测试率均超过9%。

JavaScript, which with Node.js is now back end technology, is tested with SQL over 15% of the time. Finally, PHP is tested over 7% the time with SQL as well.

现在,使用Node.js作为后端技术JavaScript已在SQL中经过15%的时间进行了测试。 最后,PHP也在SQL上经过了7%的时间测试。

When you use JavaScript on the front end, you see it combined with CSS over 18% of the time. Elsewhere, you see full stack tests being put together with .NET and JavaScript being combined over 8% of the time, PHP and JavaScript being combined over 7% of the time, and Java being combined with JavaScript over 6% of the time.

在前端使用JavaScript时,您会看到它与CSS结合使用的时间超过18%。 在其他地方,您将看到完整的堆栈测试,.NET和JavaScript的合并时间超过8%,PHP和JavaScript的合并时间超过7%,Java与JavaScript的合并时间超过6%。

What we can take from this is that if you’re a backend developer, database skills are very important. Equally, if you are a full stack developer, the go-to language for frontend work is JavaScript, regardless of which backend stack you use.

我们可以从中得到的是,如果您是后端开发人员,那么数据库技能非常重要。 同样,如果您是全栈开发人员,则无论您使用哪个后端栈,前端工作的首选语言都是JavaScript。

73%的开发人员将根据实际工作参加编码测试 (73% of developers will take a coding test based on real work)

Throughout this report, there’s been a lot of talk about coding tests. After all, these are what the data is based on. But they can be controversial in some circles.

在整个报告中,关于编码测试的讨论很多。 毕竟,这些是数据所基于的。 但是它们在某些领域可能会引起争议。

Common criticisms include that they take too long, they’re irrelevant to the work being done, and that the developer can’t truly show off their skills. Certainly, these protests led to some developers declaring that they would simply pass over any job which requires a coding test.

常见的批评包括:它们花费的时间太长,与完成的工作无关,并且开发人员无法真正炫耀自己的技能。 当然,这些抗议导致一些开发人员宣布他们将简单地通过任何需要编码测试的工作。

Interestingly, we found in our study at full 73% of developers who were sent a Devskiller coding test as a part of the technical hiring process will take them. This just goes to show for people hiring developers that with the right test, you can get most of your candidates to take them. The result is that you get vital information about their skills.

有趣的是,我们在研究中发现,有73%的开发人员接受了Devskiller编码测试,并将其作为技术招聘过程的一部分。 这只是向雇用开发人员的人们表明,通过正确的测试,您可以让大多数候选人接受他们。 结果是您获得了有关他们技能的重要信息。

来自新加坡的公司是最挑剔的 (Companies from Singapore are the most selective)

Now if you take a coding test, developers from different countries tend to get different scores. Equally, not all employers are as selective with the candidates that they approve. Why is this?

现在,如果您进行编码测试,来自不同国家的开发人员往往会获得不同的分数。 同样,并不是所有的雇主都对所批准的候选人如此挑剔。 为什么是这样?

Simple supply and demand comes to mind. You might have a lot of people going for a few positions in certain places. Equally, companies might set higher standards for what they want from a candidate.

简单的供求关系浮现在脑海。 在某些地方,可能会有很多人去找一些职位。 同样,公司可能会为候选人提供更高的标准。

It probably comes as no surprise then that Singapore is the most selective country for Technical Recruiters. Singapore is a well-developed country with really high levels of educational attainment. ranks them first in the world for all subjects.

因此,新加坡是技术招聘人员最挑剔的国家,这可能不足为奇。 新加坡是一个发达的国家,教育水平很高。 在所有学科上均将它们排在世界首位。

On top of that, they have attainment than any of their neighbors and are therefore able to draw on candidates from around Southeast Asia.


这些见解对2019年意味着什么 (What these insights mean for 2019)

While this data was collected over the last year, it indicates some interesting trends for 2019.


  • Countries like New Zealand may be a fertile new source of high-quality developers

  • India is a huge source for developers but so is the US

  • Legacy technologies like JavaScript are still highly sought after

  • Become familiar with a tech stack rather than just a language

  • Developers should develop skills in complementary tech stacks to the ones they work in like a database stack for back-end developers

  • Coding tests based on real work will be taken by candidates

  • Companies from Singapore are highly selective


These are not the only insights you will find in the report. Check out the to get the complete picture of these insights and others.

这些不是您将在报告中找到的唯一见解。 查看《 ,以全面了解这些见解和其他见解。




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